• Proven Training
  • Profitable Results

Results Centred Leadership Programme

What is it?

A practical, life-speed, skills based, spaced-learning training programme which focuses on developing the key management and leadership skills necessary to build high performing teams. Based on 5 fundamental growth areas for managers and leaders: Planning, Organising, Directing, Engaging and Controlling.

Who is it for?

Business Owners, Company Directors, Executives and Managers who have responsibility for the strategic planning and growth of their business and/or the performance management, supervision and development of other Managers/Supervisors.

Entry Qualifications

1. No ‘formal’ qualifications are required.

2. Delegates attend a ‘pre-start interview’ to assess suitability to this programme.

3. Delegates are expected to be in a position to apply the leadership and management concepts of this programme in between sessions and to implement change within their area of work, with the support of their Line Manager.


Leaders and managers who are measurably better focused and more results orientated with a practical and workable management plan (1-3 years) for their role as a leader. Better organised individuals who are capable of a style of performance management that engages team members to produce desired results.


  • 6 ‘formal’ sessions, one per week (in the evenings), at a public venue or designed for and delivered in-house for teams (time of day by arrangement). Each session is 3 hours duration.

  • 2 one-to-one Assessment and Review sessions with Mentor Coach.

For more information or to book a place please click here